Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is Obama TRYING to be Super Fly by WINGING IT and MAKING IT UP as he goes ALONG SHOOTING BLANKS from the HIP?

Cabinet Nominees:

Take the vetting of cabinet nominees. Mr. Obama's aides ignored a federal investigation of New Mexico's Gov. Bill Richardson that started last August for a possible pay-for-play scandal. Mr. Richardson had to withdraw after being named to become secretary of commerce.

Tax Cheats for Officers

The administration treated as inconsequential the failure of its choices for Treasury secretary and White House performance officer, as well as its labor secretary-designate's spouse, to pay taxes. It failed to uncover Tom Daschle's problems with more than $102,943 in previously unpaid taxes, penalties and interest -- and once it did, aides assumed Mr. Daschle would be given a pass.

Gregg Fiasco

Team Obama promised Gen. Anthony Zinni he'd be ambassador to Iraq, then cut him loose without explanation. After the Bill Richardson fiasco, it romanced Republican Sen. Judd Gregg for commerce secretary -- then ignored his advice on the stimulus and wouldn't trust him with running the department, moving supervision of the Census into the White House. Mr. Gregg withdrew himself from consideration.

Spending Porkulus

Then there is the stimulus itself. Mr. Obama's economic team met with congressional leaders in December to green light a bill costing up to $850 billion. But they described less than $200 billion of what they wanted in the envelope. In return for outsourcing the bill's drafting to Congress, the administration took on two responsibilities: running polls to advise Hill Democrats on how to sharpen their marketing, and putting the president on the road to sell a bill others wrote.

Lying about how many jobs saved

Team Obama was winging it when it declared the stimulus would ';save or create'; 2.5 million, then three million, then 3.7 million, and then four million new jobs. These were arbitrary and erratic numbers, and they knew there's no way to count ';saved'; jobs. Americans, being commonsensical, will focus on Mr. Obama's promise to ';create'; jobs. It's highly unlikely that more than 180,000 jobs will be created each month by the end of next year. The precise, state-by-state job numbers the administration used to sell the stimulus are likely to come back to haunt them as well.

Partisanship Only

Bipartisanship? The administration failed even to respond to GOP offers to endorse an Obama campaign proposal to suspend capital gains taxes for new small businesses.

Giethner's Plan of Non-planning

Inexplicably, the president, in a prime-time press conference, raised expectations for Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's bank rescue plan, which turned out the next day to be no plan at all. The markets craved details; they got none. When markets cratered, spokesmen didn't acknowledge the administration's poor planning, but blamed the markets.

Freeing Dangerous Terrorists

Team Obama was also winging it on enhanced interrogation of terrorists. First it nullified all the Bush administration's legal authorities before considering what rules it should have in place. When the CIA briefed White House officials on the results obtained from these techniques, the administration backtracked and organized a four-month study of what rules were appropriate.

Something similar happened with the promise to close Guantanamo Bay within a year: The administration has no idea what it will do with the violent terrorists detained there. And on ethics, Mr. Obama proclaimed an end to lobbyist influence in government -- even as he was nominating lobbyists for major posts and filling White House ranks with former lobbyists.Is Obama TRYING to be Super Fly by WINGING IT and MAKING IT UP as he goes ALONG SHOOTING BLANKS from the HIP?
Why are you getting so riled up? Crap, I'll bet you didn't give a rat's as* about what Bush did and now all the sudden you care about spending too much?Is Obama TRYING to be Super Fly by WINGING IT and MAKING IT UP as he goes ALONG SHOOTING BLANKS from the HIP?
You are obsessed with President Obama. I for one would appreciate your ability to research being applied to the broken promises and huge gaffes of President number 43, that might give you some insight into our current crisis.

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