Friday, November 19, 2010

How much of Bush's policies of last 8 years were supported by republicans in congress?

1) making it harder for ciitzizens to file bankruptcy yes no

2) making it harder for citizens to sue big corporations that injure them

yes no

3) cutting funding for medicare and medicaid, for education, using no child left behind to cut off funds to schools that actually need it the most

yes no

4) not moving to assign more border patrol as mandated by law.

yes no

5) moving to get as many free trade agreements signed as possible for which the greatest ingredient was to make it easy for american companies to close factories in USA and transfer manufacturing jobs to other countries causing mass layoffs of american workers yes no

6) Deregulation across the board. Suddenly federal agencies that were created to help protect citizens and consumers were actually there to protect big corporations and harm consumers . Literally putting the foxes in charge of the hen house.

yes no

7) The war in Iraq and its continuation ...the stay the course slogan that we kept hearing over and over..even as great majority of americans wanted us out of Iraq. yes no

8) Wanted to privatize social security and wanted funds invested in the stock market yes no

9) The belief that Bin laden was not that important even though he engireered and ordered the murder of over 3000 innocent american citizens on our own soil. yes no

10) That over 800 signing statements by Bush basically amending laws passed by congress ...literally saying there are certain parts of the law he will treat differently than what congress said or that there are certain parts he will not obey yes no

11) That outing a CIA agent for political reasons was legal and right

yes no

12) Mixing govt and religion in a way never done before with faith based initiatives

yes no

13) that for years we were told the economy was booming and how great the bush economy was...that as recently as months ago we were told we were nowhere near a recession that the fundamentals of the economy was strong and suddenly we are told that we are in dire straights and that an emergency bailout was needed immediately and that about 1 trillion dollars had to be handed over to financial institutions to rescue them or else we would have a disaster worse than the great depression....this of course being told to us by the very people who just a few months back were telling us to chill that all was good.

yes no

14) That putting people in jail and throwing away the key without a trial is just fine

yes no

15) that obtaining information via torture (As described by international community) is just fine.

16) that firing of attorneys working for justice department because they refused to blindly follow directives to harass political dissidents with investigations was just fine.

yes no

17) that killing the electric car was the right thing to do.

yes no

18) that mistreating returning war veterans whether at hospitals or not paying attention to their mental health was just fine.

yes noHow much of Bush's policies of last 8 years were supported by republicans in congress?
The Bush Presidency was anchored by a Republican control Congress for the first six years. There afterwords; the Democrats regain a slim margin of a lead; but not Filibuster proof. The reign of the Republican deregulation has proven to the American people, its failures not vicariously. Failure after failure has created the biggest aftermath and legacy of the Bush Rule. Indeed; historians on a generous day; would be hard press to show favor. How much of Bush's policies of last 8 years were supported by republicans in congress?
McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time.
It's ok that you are democrat. You have a right to your opinions..... even though they may be wrong!
Ok your definitely a liberal. However I do agree with you that a lot of his policies were wrong and this is coming from a conservative. You also forgot giving 40 Billion dollars to Africa to fight AIDS I was deifinitely against that!
Look, don't get me wrong, Bush is a horrible president, just like most of them, but I have a problem with No. 6. Seriously, name one thing Bush ';Deregulated';. He didn't ';deregulate'; anything. We still massive amounts of regulation, which big corporations are the only ones advocating to eliminate competition from smaller companies. Yes, his so called ';free-trade'; agenda is ridiculous, its really just government managed trade. Unfortunately, Bush advocates the free market, but doesn't practice what he preaches, so now people will think that the free market is bad and will call for more regulation which, in reality is just central planning, like the Soviet Union, which we all know had a superb economy. lol!!
Without going through everything you wrote, I think it is safe to say that the last 8 years were full of partisan politics and Republican Congressmen and women strongly supported the President.

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