Sunday, November 14, 2010

Is Gen. Stanley McChrystal's Mission Actually Designed by Hamid Karzai?

The mission according to McChrystal is to protect the good innocent civilians from the bad evil Taliban.

What person in America benefits from that mission? Anyone? I thought not!

Well who does benefit? Hamid Karzai, right?

And who is Hamid Karzai?

He's the guy who stuffed the ballot boxes better than any of his opponents. He must have attended the Huey Long University of Electoral Shenanigans and graduated Magna *** Laude.

It doesn't take a magician to accomplish massive ballot box stuffing if that person has a huge police force paid for by the Americans, and a huge Army, paid for by the Americans, and is getting suitcases of $100 bills delivered by the CIA every week.

Not a magician.

Karzai is a man who makes interesting fashion statements with funny little hat a cloak, beyond that he is a thug, a theif, and a liar, and he's not on our side. His agenda is to keep his voters alive so he can fake his way through future elections.

Why should Americans die for that?

Our government has absolutely no ability to tell friend from foe. We listened to curveball (Chalabi) and that got us into Iraq. Then we proceeded to let Maliki run our forces with legal agreements and MOUs. Now Karzai is setting the mission for us in Afghanistan.

A mission that does not relate in any way with any benefit that could be received by US taxpayers in USA.

If Ali kills Baba in Afghanistan, or if Baba kills Ali, how does that affect anybody in USA?

It doesn't, right.

That's not the same as an actual military threat that somehow could reach USA from Afghanistan. Such threats of course must be dealt with lethally, cheaply, efficiently, and when they are available for a clean kill.

Protecting Ali from Baba is more about constituency security for Karzai the ballot box stuffer in chief over there than about security for Americans.

The military today proceeds on a sea of legal documents.

How would that have gone in hedgerow country in France after D-Day. Somehow we would have had to wait until each German opened fire on us before we could kill him. And we would have had to sort out the good Germans from the bad Germans, and protect the good ones from the bad ones as our primary mission.

The military should never be deployed overseas unless there is a fully, precisely, and accurately identified enemy somewhere that needs killing right now to assure the national security of the USA and its citizens in USA.

When the military is deployed it should kill the accurately identified enemy as quickly, cheaply, as possible, and then within hours of that job being finished the military should pack up and get themselves home again.

The model for military deployments in the future which involve men on the ground is the mission of a SEAL team, or of a Ranger, or of a Marine Sniper. Go out. Kill the bad guy. Come home. They don't try to clear, hold, and secure ground. They don't have to run the place after their job is done (at a cost of $10 Trillion).

We are so confused about our genuine national security interests, that we might be better off not having any ground wars for a century or two until we get our act together -- no Curveball (Chalabi) no Maliki no Karzai -- we just don't know what we are about.

The military should not proceed of a sea of legal contracts any more than a Marine sniper does, or than a SEAL team does, or than Delta Force does.

Congress should approve our military actions and design them not Hamid Karzai.Is Gen. Stanley McChrystal's Mission Actually Designed by Hamid Karzai?
I agree with you as far as I can. Our goal should be to root out the bad guys and then get out of there. The problem is that rooting out the bad guys can be a difficult proposition when they are living among civilians. We cannot let the Taliban take control because then they can and will hurt America as they already have. When I think of the far reaching effects of 9-11 I am just sick inside. From that one infamous action America finds itself in about as deep a hole as we have been in.

The History Man

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