Friday, November 12, 2010

Is it illuminatti or illuminutti?

For ten years the cia and fbi and other agencies went after me just because I have what they considered super in tune abilities to find out what their trying to hide from the public.....What I found was instead of trying to talk to me for ten years directly about my in tuned abilities and not wanting me to know their business...They would go to mental patients, dope addicts, and drunks and put their confidence in to these people to do the fbi and cia job for them....They would get these people to play imitation aliens and shadow people and try to make me think they were e.t....for ten years....

I am laughing hysterical every day because these people expose the cia and fbi business having to do with trying to cover up e.t......It shows me all the time if E.T does exist when they work with alledged E.T how retarded alledged E.T have to be.....The people the cia and fbi get to try to act like alledged E.T stand out in my parking lot or at my door in hearing distance telling me that the cia and fbi hired them to do this......

My question is how secure do you think our country is when these agencies expose their secrets to people who have no problem blabbing to the world what the cia and fbi had them do.....They had these people try to make me think I stood for the Holy Grail.....I cracked up laughing......They had people dress up in costumes (white robes) to make me think Jesus was in the room with me......Four times........

I ask you who do you think is getting more desperate to try to put this mind control on people the fbi or the cia.....It puts a big doubt on the real Jesus if he shows up to make people wonder if he is the real Jesus or the wolf satan in sheeps clothing.....The whole thing is getting really retarded to me.....I know there really is a true God, but I seriously don't think he would really place himself into this retarded crap.....DO YOU....Is it illuminatti or illuminutti?
';natti'; is the secret organization, ';nutti'; is just what it says. Which do you fall under? *rolling eyes*

Edit: go ahead Amiee, I'll do the paper work for you *evil laugh*Is it illuminatti or illuminutti?
Really?...... And you're posting this on Yahoo! Answers? - What the hell can we do for you?
i don't know but they killed my cat
I could answer all your questions but then I'd have to kill you.

And I don't want to go through all that paperwork.

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