Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Did you hear Rush Limbaugh today? Guardsman Mad as Hell at Democrats?

Guardsman Mad as Hell at Democrats

September 14, 2007

RUSH: Somewhere in Tennessee, this is Daniel on Open Line Friday. Hello.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. I'm in the National Guard, and my blood is just boiling with the way Senator Clinton had talked to General Petraeus.

RUSH: Suspending disbelief in order to listen to what he has to say -- that probably is what irritates you.

CALLER: Roger that. That just makes my blood boil. The guy's a four-star general; I believe he's got a doctorate degree in military science; he's been over there three times; he gets the intel data every day, he sees what's going on. He is the best qualified person to tell everybody what's going on, what he needs.

RUSH: Exactly.

CALLER: Now, I got two other points. Congress, they need to let us do our job, not only us in the National Guard, but our brothers and sisters on the active duty side, they need to let us do our job, stop handcuffing us.

RUSH: Wait a second.

CALLER: If they can do the job better, take my M-16, take my gas mask, take everything I got and do my job. I'm tired of these guys sitting down there telling me how I'm going to fight this war, so on and so forth. This is ridiculous. They sit there and they don't know what we do. They don't see what we see. They haven't been shot at, for crying out loud.

RUSH: Daniel, they don't want you to do your job. They are trying to see to it that you can't do your job. They know exactly what your job is. Your job is victory. They don't want that. They are trying to undermine your job. It's not that they're dense and don't understand your job. They know it very well. They resent the hell out of your job and that you might succeed at it.

CALLER: Well, then the general public needs to stand up and say, ';You know what, if you're not going to let our boys do their job, we're putting somebody else in there that will, regardless.'; And, my last point on this, and then I'll stop on it, is we're a nation where we don't go after world leaders and so on and so forth. I wish the president would take a bully's stance on world leaders that we're going after and eliminate 'em. I know we're not supposed to, but from the time that was written 'til 2007, the playing field has changed, and we need to adapt to that. I wish he would take that bully mentality and go after these world leaders.

RUSH: Well, that would require a change of the law.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: The Frank Church committee, I'm sure you know, who, in the seventies, was in charge of emaciating the CIA, came up with this, and that would require a change in the law. But, you know, I love you and I love your call and I love your passion. It breaks my heart to have to tell you, Daniel, but they don't want you to do your job.Did you hear Rush Limbaugh today? Guardsman Mad as Hell at Democrats?
That's one caller. How many others who are fed up with the war did he talk to?

Limbaugh is totally biased and a drug addict.Did you hear Rush Limbaugh today? Guardsman Mad as Hell at Democrats?
Does this surprise you?
No, because I'd rather die than listen to that asshole.
We are winning. WE=Americans of both parties.
Thank you for printing that. I missed the show. Rush does us all a great service, by bringing the truth to the air-ways. Hillary is a closet communist and trader. Her and her ilk ought to be locked up at Get Mo.
No, somehow I missed it.

Rush who?
Like that guy could have been from prison for all we know and Rush takes the call literal, as if he knew who he was talking to, but the guys was right the 4 star general been there done that and will do what ever Bush tells he to do or to the brig with him.
And if Hillary or any other democrat gets in the presidency, should the military take arms against the white house and physically remove the president and vice president , have new elections, and make sure that no liberal gets into office?

God I would hope so!!!
Is Rush anti-gay now, too?
Amen, brother. And thank you very much.

ManifeeManiac, are you three years old?
I would have asked this Guardsman what he thinks about th efact that a host of other equally high-ranking officers, including Petraeus' own boss--don't agree with his claims.

Of course, then, I'm not Rush. maybe the drugs are making him a bit fuzzy?

But I hope this idiot remembers what he said as more of his fellow soldiers come home in body bags because Petraeus didn't have the guts to stand up to Bush and tell the truth.
No, but I read your transcript. Thank you.

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