Currently a major 700 billion dollar bank bailout (the FBI is starting to investigate),financial meltdown of Fannie %26amp; Freddie,Iraq is not fully secured,The President of Iran is warning the US that it has no nukes,Russia is worried about the motives of the US and how later it was found out that we were partly to blame for the Soviet Georgia invasion,the horrible Katrina Fiasco,the outing of a CIA agent out of petty jealousy against her spouse,the deception that went into why we invaded Iraq and executed Sadaam Hussein and never to this day have found Osama Bin Laden,worse of all in my opinion Abu Ghraib, a weak General Carpinski (now busted down to a Colonel) immature and lackadaisical Army MP's who did not do the job they were trained for. Actually comitting murders that were discovered later,following unlawful orders,not wanting or not being able to channel the duress situation up to higher headquarters or up to the President himself. They should be ashamed to call themselves police officers they and their commander disgrace us all with their actions and in my opinion your lower then then crap on the ground for taking pictures:sabrina Harmin,megan ambuhl,LYNNDIE ENGLAND,CHARLES GRANER,IVAN FREDERICK,jeremy sivitz,javal davis,roman krol,tim dugan and the caci corporation and your bg should have been busted down to a civilian for being piss poor and weak!!! Think about how you murdered Al-Jamadi (when you can't sleep at night) and Black Water we ain't forgot you your going to get caught one day. Don't go to sleep too hard it might be a Federal Agent waking you up in shock and awe and anybody else if you have something to hide or are hiding you will be caught and brought to justice!!! One way or another. I pity the next President that must clean up the mess of the last Bush.What kind of mess is President Bush leaving behind?
The next President of the US of A will undoubtedly continue the debacle for he will be pushed by the very people who have created the present financial catastrophe. Bush we have to agree is really not responsible- he is literally irresponsible. Edit- oh dear, it seems that there is a suggestion that sex in the White House office is a greater cost to the US taxpayer?What kind of mess is President Bush leaving behind?
in short, a big one.
His legacy. We will always remember bush, like Rome will always remember Caligula and Nero.
I believe the biggest mess of all - which will be attributed to both Bushes is the out of control security services - in which Bush Senior was directly involved and did not abate during Bush junior's presidency.
I heard General Janis Kapinski talking on Radio 4 - she clearly was not allowed into the special services interrogation block at Abu Ghraib and they 'cleaned' up their act when she did visit. Why? Because General Janis Kapinski would not have tolerated abuses of prisoners in the way Donald Rumsfeld wanted Abu Ghraib 'Gitmoized.' He pushed Jeffery Miller into Abu Ghraib in order to 'Gitmoize' Abu Ghraib.
It has never been fully explained quite what CIA involvement Osama bin Laden has had, what training given and what tasks undertaken. To blame low level soldiers for the abuses by soldiers of prisoners in Abu Ghraib is to let the highest political involvement lie dormant. Rumsfeld, Bush and Cheney should be tried on war crimes and the CIA and any other security service personnel properly investigated as to how the tactics were arrived at and what experimentation had taken place on US and UK civilians, 'extraordinary rendition' prisoners and those in Guantanamo.
Our Security services have hijacked democracy for their own ends and we - the dupes have allowed them to do so. Why oh why did Al Gore concede in Florida when it was found that cheating had occurred? What pressure was put on Gore - what possible dirt could be levelled against him if he had fought for his right to be President?
Every time a politician in the UK demands we look into our out of control security services that politician is smeared, castigated or accidentally dies. This must tell us something.
Bush simply marked the beginning of an era when democracy no longer mattered to the US military. If one reads Tony Benn's diaries it seems that the UK security services vet the party lists in the UK. With this much involvement by security services democracy must be dead. It is just that we haven't been invited to the funeral yet.
Bush will be best remembered for being total unworthy of office in the first place..
Yet right wing christian Americans think that McCain and joke novice Palin are a good idea. The World shudders!! xx
If McCain and Palin get in it will make Bush's 8 years look wonderful and that is really scary
do your really think he cares! did you know that he ran his own small time oil business into the ground while his father was the head of CIA? since daddy bush was in good ties with the saudi, they're the one who bail him out of his mess. you would think he would learn from that blunder (go and take a few classes on how to run a business). I guess you can answer that for yourself.
well, let share some of this blame with the rest of his friends. channey, rumsfield, greenspan, bernanke, paulson. to name a few..
yes, the next president will have a huge A@@ to deal with and hope that the american people understand its not their fault but the one who just left the office.
Very much like the mess his father left. The crash in 1991 is very similar to this one. The parallels of the administrations are scary. The unfunded wars, both for oil in Iraq. The run up of gas prices. Te bank failures. There were dozens of banks that went under in 1991. It took 2 Democratic Terms to recover. Recovery required some questionable regulatory moves, but GOP pushed these also. Now history has repeated itself, simply because the people of this Nation believe TV lies instead of actually attempting to understand the issue and look at the voting records of the candidates. I mean, why even bother ?
The republicans and Bush are leaving the american tax payer in a outhouse s**thole .
How many more lies can the republicans keep telling us when we are in a recession and the tax payer will get screwed over in this 700 Billion dollar bail out .
A big steaming mess鈥?/a>
Probably not as nasty a mess as Clinton left in the oval office.
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