Friday, November 12, 2010

How do i get a job with the CIA?

i need to know what i can do to facilitate my career plans of working for the CIA.

my applicable resume so far:

-sophomore at university of nevada, maintaing above a 3.0 GPA

-international affairs major, triple minoring in:

-diplomacy, law %26amp;organization



-currently an intern for the United States Senate in nevada, and going to DC to intern there.

-does anybody have any ideas on what else i can do to facilitate my career plans?

-what i can/should do when in DC?any help is greatly appreciated

thanksHow do i get a job with the CIA?
Are you generally incompetent and a habitual liar? If yes, you'll fit right in.How do i get a job with the CIA?
Law degree.

criminal investigation
Since 9/11 CIA has been swamped with applicants. They always chose candidates from our elite colleges and universities but now they really have the pick of the litter so the odds are heavily stacked against any one applicant unless the applicant offers unique skills.

Your resume can't be easily dismissed. You are taking the ';traditional'; courses for a civilian intelligence career. Italy is not an enemy so your Italian may not be a great help but the Farsi really stands out and it doesn't look as if Iran will be changing their foreign policy anytime soon.

The USG is spending billions in translations fees and common sense says the bulk of that money is being spent on the various languages spoken in the middle-east which is another plus for a Farsi speaker.

It looks like you are serious so I shouldn't have to tell you drug use or unusual sexual activity could derail any chances of a career with an Intel Agency.

Lastly, see if your intern employer can help. Harry Reid is the majority leader and a good word from him should help. Is Ensign on the Intel or a military committee?

Good luck. We need good officers.
they norm come to you. and military Intel would look good under yor belt or even the FBI with those credentials you could join now and be an officer in the armed services and be in Intel since u can speak farsi then apply after that. then you would have experience
If you have to ask here then you are not a good enough intelligence gatherer to get a job with the CIA
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